‘There is no option in contrast to schooling to shape the nation and society’

Aminul Islam Khan, senior secretary at the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, said that training shows the way to a more promising time to come by finishing obliviousness.

Training not just gets positive change the general public, it likewise makes work and makes the way for a prosperous life. So there is no option in contrast to schooling to brighten the nation and society.

He further sagid that quality educators are fundamental for granting quality schooling. There is not a viable alternative for preparing to make quality educators. Furthermore, preparing makes the way for thoughtfulness. Makes self-assurance.

He was talking at the initiation of the ‘Tajkera-Golam Mostafa Center for Teaching and Learning Center’ at the Daffodil International University (DIU) International Conference Center in the capital’s Ashulia on Saturday (June 4) evening.

He further said that improvement of expert abilities and showing principles of educators is significant to guarantee nature of advanced education. Making interest among the understudies, arousing the everlasting hunger for information to them is the sign of a fruitful instructor.

He called upon the instructors to adjust to the changing essence of the impacting scene.

College Vice-Chancellor Prof. M Lutfar Rahman, Professor of the University of Purdue, talked at the administration. Md. Ahmed Mostafa, Professor Ahmed Ismail Mostafa, Justice Jamil Mostafa, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Bangladesh University of Business and Technology Sarwar Kamal and others.

At the occasion, authentications were conveyed among the tutors of the web-based course led by the Tajik-Golam Mostafa Center for Teaching and Learning in Corona.