Rice costs increment further in the pinnacle season

Individuals who have purchased rice in the start of the month will be stunned in the event that they go to advertise now toward the month’s end as the cost of rice has expanded considerably over the most recent three weeks. The cost of rice has expanded by two to five taka over the most recent multi week. Generally speaking, the cost of rice has expanded by five to eight taka over the most recent three weeks.

We are going through the pinnacle time of the Boro crop. Typically, the costs of rice stay low during this time. Nonetheless, the situation is totally the contrary this year. Indeed, even Abdur Rashid, leader of Bangladesh Auto Major and Husking Mill Owners’ Association, is amazed with the expansion in the costs of rice.

Addressing Prothom Alo, he said, “I have never seen the cost of Miniket rice go up like this in my life. The large industrialists might have accumulated rice and paddy. This may be a significant explanation for the spike in the cost of rice. For this situation, government checking ought to be expanded.”

In Naogaon, the cost of rice has expanded by Tk 200 to 300 for every sack (50 kg) in the discount market in seven days. In the rice centers of Naogaon, the coarse rice (Swarna) is being sold at Tk 46 for every kg, semi-fine rice (BR-28 and BR-29) at Tk 48 for each kg, jeera non-more limited which is referred to locally as fine rice is being sold at Tk 60, jeera more limited at Tk 64 and katari non-more limited is being sold at Tk 70. The ascent in the costs of rice in the discount market has impacted the cost in the retail market. The costs of coarse, semi-endlessly fine rice have expanded by Tk 3, Tk 2 and Tk 5 separately.

Per kg Miniket rice was being sold at Tk 63 to 64 at the Khajanagar rice center point of Kushtia on Saturday. The cost was 56 on 29 April. Then again, the coarse rice was being sold at Tk 47 to 48, medium fine rice at Tk 50 to 52, Miniket at Tk 65 to 66 and Nazirshail rice at Tk 78 to 80 at the business sectors in Mirpur-1 and the Krishi Market in Mohammadpur on Saturday.

At the retail level in the capital’s Karwan Bazar, the costs of rice have expanded by Tk 3 to Tk 4 for each kg when contrasted with the week before. After the ascent in the costs, the Gutiswarna rice is being sold at Tk 53 to 54, BR-28 rice at Tk 54 to 55, Miniket at Tk 68 to 70 and Nazirshail rice is being sold at Tk 82 to 84.

Harun-ur-Rashid, general secretary of Mirpur-1 Rice Warehouse Multipurpose Cooperative Society, let Prothom Alo know that the cost of rice is continually ascending at the factory level. The rice plant proprietors are just discussing the expanded cost at whatever point the merchants call to educate them about the interest regarding the rice.

The rice factory proprietors say that the creation cost has additionally gone up because of the ascent in the costs of paddy. Inside seven days, the cost per hill of rice has expanded by Tk 80 to 200 in view of the assortment. Per hill of jeera paddy is being sold at Tk 1,340 to 1,360 in light of its assortments (dried and weight).
Aminul Islam, who stores paddy in Madhuil Bazar, said that a piece of the paddy was lost because of weighty rains not long before the collect. A contest has arisen among the rice dealers to purchase more paddy. Subsequently, the cost of paddy is expanding consistently.

The costs of practically all fundamental food things including lentils, oil, sugar and other everyday necessities including cleanser, toothpaste have gone up. In such a circumstance, the expansion in the cost of rice is making hopelessness individuals.