The United Kingdom will not export anything that goes to Russia via India

The Western world is trying to tie Russia to all sides. It was announced earlier that they would try to impose sanctions on Russia. Probably the first step taken by the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to impose sanctions.

Boris Johnson said he would try to ensure that goods exported by Britain to India were not diverted to Russia’s weapons production. He was speaking at the end of a two-day visit to India.

Boris Johnson alleges that Russian President Vladimir Putin has taken the attitude of destroying everything in Ukraine. However, the Western world is reluctant to back down in any way from the belligerent attitude. According to Johnson, the United Kingdom will help Kiev if it needs to provide heavy weapons, including tanks, to other countries, including Poland.
According to a recent report by the Royal United Services Institute (Russia), India is one of the main routes for arms smuggling to Russia. Johnson said this in this context.

Regarding the ban on Russian technology exports, Johnson said, “We will take strict measures to ensure that Russia does not allow technology to enter. There will be no gaps in this process … We will not allow technology to enter Russia in any other way. ‘

But before the Russian report was released, Boris Johnson said during the visit that British arms exports to India would be facilitated. He also said that the purpose of the visit was to intensify defense cooperation between India and Britain.

Russia’s 26-page report says Western sanctions on Russia mean Moscow will now rely on smuggling parts to keep its jets, missiles and other high-tech weapons operational. These devices are known to be used dually, for both military and civilian purposes.

The report said, “Many companies from the Czech Republic, Serbia, Armenia, Turkey, India and China are ready to take big risks in supplying arms to Russia.”
Meanwhile, during his visit to India, Boris Johnson discussed the Ukraine war in a bilateral meeting with Narendra Modi. However, Indian Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Sringla told reporters that Boris Johnson had not pressured India to take a stand on Russia.
India withdraws from UN vote on Russia-Ukraine war They have been buying oil from Russia since then, despite Western sanctions. Russia is also giving discounts to India. At this time of high oil prices, India is also benefiting by buying oil at a discounted price from Russia.