The Dominican climate serve was shot dead by a companion in his office

Dominican Minister of Environment and Natural Resources Orlando Harge Mera has been shot dead in his office. He was shot by a dear companion. The BBC cited government authorities in the Dominican Republic as saying.

The 55-year-old clergyman was holding a gathering at the hour of the assault. No less than six shots were heard at that point. A representative for the president said the executioner was Miguel Cruz. He is a cherished companion of the priest. He has been kept in security authority. The rationale behind the shooting is obscure.

An assertion from the clergyman’s family said the one who shot her (Orlando Harge Mera) was a cherished, lifelong companion. The assertion added, “Our family is excusing the individual who did this. One of the extraordinary ethics of Harge Mera was that he didn’t hold onto disdain. ‘

Harge Mera has been a priest in the organization of President Luis Abinad since July 2020. In a Twitter post, President Abinader communicated his sympathies to the deprived group of Harge Mera. He deplored the departure of an old buddy.

Bartholomew Pujalas, head of the public authority’s Cabinet on Innovation, portrayed Mera’s demise as a misfortune. He called for keeping up with harmony through online entertainment.

Previous President of the Dominican Republic Salvador Harge Blanco’s child Harge Mera. He is likewise an establishing individual from the decision Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM). Harge Mera’s significant other fills in as Dominican envoy to Brazil.

Two or three has two children. One of them is a legislator of the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM).