High Court orders removal of 43 unlawful foundations on Ichamati bank

Court orders specialists worried to lift the stay request on the removal

The High Court on Sunday requested the ousting of unlawful foundations on the banks of the Ichamati River in four mouzas of Pabna involved by 43 people.

The seat of Justice Md Mozibur Rahman Miah and Justice Md Kamrul Hossain Mollah passed the request excusing the writ appeal looking for correction of the court’s decision on the stream to keep their unlawful foundations on the banks of Ichamati.

The court additionally requested specialists worried to lift the stay request on the expulsion.

It was expressed exhaustively about the waterway limit on account of four streams around Dhaka that the waterway limit not entirely settled by the City Survey (CS) record.

Then again, on account of Turag stream, the Appellate Division coordinated to direct a study as indicated by the waterway limits’ CS records.

For this situation, there is no possibility to correct the judgment of the High Court with regards to this case.

Legal advisors Anik R Haque and Rawson Alam Khan showed up for the writ request while attorney Manzil Morshed for the state.

Manzil Morshed said: “After this decision, there is no legitimate hindrance to the expulsion of unlawful foundations of 43 individuals from Ichamati’s banks.”
In 2020, exactly 43 individuals documented a writ request in the High Court testing the notification of removal of unlawful foundations in four mouzas of Ichamati in Pabna Sadar by the appointee magistrate.

Following the fundamental knowing about the writ request, on February 27 of that year, the court guided the waterway commission to make a lawful move and gave a stay request on the removal procedures.

After the request, the delegates of the stream commission visited the spot and answered to the court. It was expressed in the report that the grounds involved by the 43 writ candidates are on the banks of the Ichamati according to the CS records.