France closes mosque in Beauvais for lessons shielding jihad


A mosque in the northern French area of Oise has been shut on account of an imam’s extreme lessons, said to have guarded jihad.

The mosque in the town of Beauvais will stay shut for a long time, nearby specialists say.

Oise’s regent said lessons there called jihadist warriors legends and instigated contempt and brutality.

France has been doing minds Islamic spots of love associated with having connections to radicalism.

Fourteen days prior, Interior Minister GĂ©rald Darmanin said he was beginning an interaction to close the Great Mosque of Beauvais, 100km 62 miles north of Paris, in light of the fact that the imam was focusing on Christians, gay people and Jews in his lessons.

The mosque’s imam was a new believer to Islam, Agence France-Presse cited neighborhood paper Courrier Picard as saying.

A legal counselor for the affiliation dealing with the mosque told the paper his comments had been taken outside any connection to the issue at hand.

The legal counselor said that the imam, who was talking on a deliberate premise, had been suspended from his obligations.

In any case, the inside service said the man, who was introduced as an infrequent speaker however who, in all actuality, goes about as a customary imam, had shielded a thorough act of Islam and “its prevalence over the laws of the Republic.

Last year, Mr Darmanin declared a crackdown on mosques with fanatic connections, saying some could be shut whenever viewed as empowering nonconformity.

It was a reaction to the decapitation of instructor Samuel Paty and the lethal cutting of three individuals in a basilica in Nice in October 2020, accused on Islamist radicals.

France’s inside service said it had examined around 100 mosques and petition lobbies over such fanaticism as of late, out of a sum of more than 2,620 in France.