COP26: British Prime Minister said Xi Jinping is unlikely to attend

In the November COP26 Climate Summit authorities warned British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and China’s President Xi Jinping is unlikely to attend.
British officials confirmed the Times report that Johnson had been informed that Chinese leaders were not expected to come.
However, Chinese officials reportedly did not completely rule out changes to the plan.
COP26 will be held in Glasgow from October 31st to November 12th.
Leaders from around the world come together to discuss ways to reduce the temperature rise caused by human activity. President Xis’ attendance at COP26 has long been questioned. It is suspected that China has not left since early 2020.
Government sources said Chinese officials were not definitive about the president’s travel plans and accepted that Xi could change his mind and come last-minute to surprise the summit.
“They want to be seen as green leaders, so I don’t rule it out,” Whitehall sources said.
Diplomats said China often announced West President’s travel plans at the last minute. One said, “We never lose hope, and we continue to protect your personal help.”

In September, Chinese officials told Italian diplomats that President Xi had no plans to attend the G20 summit in Rome on October 30, just before the COP26 summit. They cite China’s Covid regulation as the reason.
Western diplomats said there were serious concerns among Chinese authorities about the possibility of protecting Xi from Covid outside China.
On September 19, British COP President Arok Shama told BBC program Andrew Marr that there was uncertainty about President Xi Jinping’s attendance. “The question of whether President Xi Jinping will come has not yet been confirmed,” he said.

On Friday, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison confirmed that he would attend the meeting. He was criticized for proposing to skip the meeting last month.
Australia, a major coal and gas producer, is ranked lower in terms of climate policy and emission reductions. One report puts it at the end of climate change measures in 193 UN member states.
Countries are under pressure to commit to stronger and faster change.
President West may not be the only one to skip the summit. Leading leaders other than Pope Francis, who hoped to leave but said he had recently undergone colon surgery, said he would certainly not attend the November COP26 summit.
However, some, including the world’s largest carbon emissions leader, have questioned his attendance.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said he would not attend “due to a pandemic situation” on Wednesday.
Russia has set a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 70-75% from the 1990 level of 7030.
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and Indian President Narendra Modi have not yet confirmed their attendance after missing the latest summit. The final COP meeting in 2019 was not attended by the leaders of the world’s top five emitters (China, India, Japan, the United States and Russia).