Cancer Survivors with Breast Cancer Meet the “Mastectomy”

According to a study conducted by the University of Washington, these patients report worse physical and mental well-being than those who have both breasts removed or retain one after surgery. The researchers believe that these findings show how important it is to take into account individual needs when making treatment decisions.

Dr. Robert McLay, who led the study, said: “Most women with breast cancer understand the benefits of bilateral mastectomy and want to be treated in this way.” According to him, doctors must remember that each patient is different and that they should focus on the individual needs of patients rather than just what constitutes standard procedure

The study was published in the journal Cancer. It involved women who were diagnosed with breast cancer and had decided to undergo surgery. They were asked to take various psychological tests before and after their surgeries, which included a standard questionnaire called SF-36 that measures quality of life. Researchers found that those who chose to have both breasts removed fared worse than those who left one in place. Those with the former also reported a larger drop in mental well-being after surgery, while physical quality of life remained almost unchanged. It is worth noting that the results were not linked to other factors such as age, race or cancer stage.

The effects of decisions about chest clearing on women’s prosperity related individual fulfillment depends upon the setting a few faces this decision,” said Dr. Linda Simoni-Wastila, an expert from University of Maryland School of Public Health who was not locked in with the investigation. She believes that more studies are needed to determine what factors influence these decisions and their consequences.

The study confirms that more research is necessary to understand the clinical aspects of treatment, as well as the psychological factors that are behind decisions.

According to Dr. James Naessens of University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, who was not involved in the study, it would be interesting to see if these findings hold true for women who have less aggressive forms of breast cancer. “It is really a tough decision for a person to make,” Naessens said, adding that it might be worthwhile to try and plan treatment with the patient’s specific situation in mind.