1,100 Migrants Cross in Two Days

The number of migrants crossing the Mediterranean in boats has slowed significantly this year, but it appears that Libya is back to its old tricks. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) reports that more than 1,100 migrants crossed in two days and at least 400 drowned off the coast of Libya on Friday alone.

IOM has estimated that in 2016, more than 4,600 migrants have died or gone missing in the Mediterranean Sea. The organization also reports smugglers are holding 150 people in Libyan detention centers for ransom.

The Italian command of the EU’s anti-smuggling mission, Operation Sophia , has reportedly rescued more than 12,000 people from smugglers’ boats.

The Libyan coast guard intercepted a boat with 454 migrants today and returned them to Tripoli. In addition, the coast guard rescued 10 Libyans who were working with African migrant smugglers.

The coast guard also said it is planning a limited ground operation to stop the drug trade in the coastal city of Sabratha, which has been a key departure point for smuggling ships bound for Europe. Armed groups have been smuggling migrants out on fishing boats from this city as well as from Zuwara and Garabulli.

IOM figures show that 96,871 migrants have arrived in Europe so far this year. Of these, about 20 percent went to Italy while 80 percent migrated to Greece.

Migrants are continuing to die at sea despite the relatively slow flow of refugees this year. A boat carrying 150 people capsized off Egypt, killing 44 . Meanwhile, an inflatable boat with about 100 people heading to Greece sank off the coast of Turkey on Saturday.

EU leaders meeting at a summit in Brussels last week pledged more aid to help Libya stop the flow of migrants.

European Council President Donald Tusk said the European Union needs to help Libya manage its borders more effectively.

The number of migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea has been reported as falling since last year, but it appears that people smuggling is at a huge increase in Libya – with 1,100 making it across to Europe over just a couple of days.

This year 96,871 have arrived in Europe so far this year IOM figures show. Of those 20% went to Italy while 80% migrated to Greece.

The EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini is visiting Libya next week and will meet with various factions and government officials in Tripoli and Tobruk. The EU leaders meeting at a summit in Brussels last week pledged more aid to help Libya stop the flow of migrants.

European Council President Donald Tusk said the European Union needs to help Libya manage its borders more effectively

The number of migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea has been reported as falling since last year, but it appears that people smuggling is at a huge increase in Libya – with 1,100 making it across to Europe over just a couple of days.

More than 400 migrants off the coast of Libya drowned on Friday while some were rescued by the Italian command of the EU’s anti-smuggling mission Operation Sophia.

The Libyan coast guard said today they intercepted a boat with 454 migrants and returned the group to Tripoli.

Libya’s coast guard also said it is planning a limited ground operation to stop the drug trade in the coastal city of Sabratha, which has been a key departure point for smuggling ships bound for Europe.